
September - December 202
Academic project, Toronto, Canada
Group work, team: Kiyarash Borna, Tim Wu, Jade Fan

    Located in the northwest part of Toronto, Downsview was once an abandoned airport and military base. Currently, it acts as a vacuum in the city but is poised to become another growth center, projected to accommodate 80,000 residents in the future. However, the site faces significant challenges in terms of connectivity, both physically and socially. The presence of the GO train and highway, coupled with a lack of legibility, has rendered Downsview an isolated enclave within the larger urban fabric.
   To address these issues, this project explores methods to soften boundaries and overcome barriers, transform existing wide roads into intimate, walkable spaces, and develop strategies to reconnect neighborhoods.


more details in portfolio
@jadefan757 @Yifan(Jade)Fancopyright @Yifan Fan